Feasibility study for a HVDC back-to-back link between Georgia and Armenia

Feasibility study for a HVDC back-to-back link between Georgia and Armenia

Armenia and Georgia have agreed to construct a HVDC back-to-back link on the Armenian side to connect Armenia’s planned 400 kV network with the existing 500kV network in Georgia. On behalf of the KfW banking group, Fichtner undertook a feasibility study into the selected back-to-back link configurations to determine the optimum option from both a technical and financial standpoint. We also assessed the benefits of the network link for both countries and the entire region. The most suitable solution was then drawn up by analyzing power supply, reviewing the OHL route, visiting the site, and scoping for environmental and social impacts.

Our services

  • Assessment of feasibility of two selected HVDC back-to-back interconnection options with recommendation of best configuration
  • Assessment of the benefits of the intertie for Armenia and Georgia, and the region
  • ESIA scoping along the planned transmission line and at the HVDC back-to-back station

Technical data

  • Power level: 400/500 kV HVDC


Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia