Waste Management

Our economists, environmental engineers and organization experts support projects for environmentally sound and safe disposal with resources recovery of all wastes generated by society’s economic and production cycle. For over 30 years, the focus has been on waste avoidance and resources recovery from waste.

Fichtner draws up master plans and designs highly sophisticated waste management concepts for public and private waste disposal entities, advises governments, and optimizes waste management in industrial processes. Our expertise is based on numerous successful projects in the communal and industrial sectors in Germany and internationally. Primary focuses of our consultancy are privatization of municipal waste management services and outsourcing of central utilities supply and waste disposal tasks in industry. Further, we conduct assessments from the waste management perspective of production and products as part of studies for an integrated product policy (IPP) and life cycle assessment (LCA).

For primarily bank-financed development projects, through waste management investigations and concepts developed from these, Fichtner supports upgrading of the environmental situation in many developing countries.

Specific services:

  • Regional, municipal and industrial waste management concepts
  • Strategic studies on materials flow and disposal management
  • Tariff studies
  • Studies on economic optimization of waste disposal concepts
  • Techno-economic appraisals of waste treatment and disposal
  • Privatization models and public-private partnership (PPP) measures
  • Consultancy on reorganization for all facets of waste management
  • IPP and LCA studies