Environmental Protection Technologies
Cutting-edge process technology and process optimization ensure that the atmosphere, water and soils will not become polluted. Fichtner possesses decades of expertise in emissions abatement in industrial facilities, regional air quality control planning and global climate protection.
Air quality control in industrial facilities focuses on the design and optimization of environmental and process measures for pollutant emission abatement, encompassing conceptual design and implementation of measures as well as optimization of flue gas cleaning plants in the sectors of energy, waste treatment and industry. This includes all flue gas cleaning technologies, such as desulfurization, deNOx and particulate removal, for thermal power plants. These are complemented by combustion modification measures such as fuel switching and low-pollution combustion technologies. Plant operators call on Fichtner for guidance on complying with the strict pollutant emission standards.
For climate protection, future requirements for possible retrofitting of CCS or CCUS equipment are considered in the form of capture-ready concepts right from the planning stage of modern power plants.
Key areas of activity :
- Flue gas, offgas and exhaust treatment
- Low-pollution combustion technologies
- Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) as well as carbon capture and storage (CCS)