Secondary and tertiary control and monitoring of the power grid, Austria

Secondary and tertiary control and monitoring of the power grid, Austria

The sharp rise of volatile load flows, infeeding from solar and wind power plants, and cross-border balancing power exchanges result in more stringent requirements for the functionality and flexibility of the grid regulation system. The grid operator and balance area manager Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) has therefore decided to replace the existing secondary and tertiary control of the Austrian interconnected grid that at present is integrated into the SCADA/EMS system, by a new stand-alone system. Fichtner assisted APG throughout all project phases.

Photo: Austrian Power Grid AG, Lukas Dostal

Our services

  • Drawing up technical specifications and functional requirements
  • Prequalification of candidate suppliers and contractors
  • Drawing up EPC tender documents
  • Bid evaluation
  • Contract negotiations
  • Support during implementation


Austrian Power Grid AG, Vienna, Austria