Evaluation of Tuzla Geothermal Power Plant, Turkey

Evaluation of Tuzla Geothermal Power Plant, Turkey

The client operates a 7.5 MW geothermal power plant in Çanakkale province and, due to the assumed favorable geological conditions, plans to raise production by sinking an additional production well and re-injection well. Fichtner identified the most favorable well locations and prepared conceptual planning to match the reservoir’s predicted geothermal potential and capacity of the geothermal power plant, and then prepared a feasibility study with financial analysis.

Our services

  • Evaluation of geological and geothermal conditions
  • Evaluation of current geothermal water production and status of the existing production and re-injection wells
  • Evaluation of a numerical 3-D model of the geothermal field
  • Evaluation of well locations for extending production
  • Conceptual heat transport modeling
  • Analysis of available production data
  • Conceptual well design with cost estimate

Technical data

  • Geothermal power plant rating: 7.5 MW


Tuzla Jeotermal Enerji Üretim A.S., Izmir, Turkey