Technical and financial evaluation of Neyveli Lignite Mine, India

Technical and financial evaluation of Neyveli Lignite Mine, India

To avoid making unprofitable investments and to check conformity with development policy goals, we were commissioned by the German Reconstruction Loan Corporation (KfW) to look critically at all technical and financial aspects of the Neyveli Lignite Mine and to evaluate the socio-economic conditions and general acceptance vis-à-vis the energy utility Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. In this connection, we checked the technical facilities, the investment concept and the extraction concept, and then conducted an economic viability study by means of cost-benefit analyses and cash flow calculations. In addition, the funding requirements for upgrading production equipment were identified.

Our services

  • Survey of present situation
  • Conducting an environmental impact assessment
  • Exploration of deposits
  • Preliminary study
  • Management consultancy

Technical data

  • Annual output of lignite mine: 40 million tons


KfW Bankengruppe