Technical consultancy for power purchasing, Switzerland

Technical consultancy for power purchasing, Switzerland

In the wake of market liberalization and intensifying competition, a Swiss regional power utility is planning to set up its own power procurement and marketing competencies. Fichtner compiles instruction materials on power procurement on the basis of the utility's generation and sales structure to meet the requirements of the Swiss power market; analyzes and breaks down the client's customers into segments and derives the annual demand structure of the remaining customer base; evaluates the procurement need from the hourly price forward curve (HPFC); elaborates a procurement concept and standard products to be procured, including a risk analysis; prepares the Administrative Board decision for approval of the new procurement concept; and oversees the first tranches of power procurement on the basis of the procurement concept.

Our services

  • Instruction materials for power procurement
  • Breakdown of customers into segments
  • Assessment of demand structure
  • Estimate of procurement costs with structuring of procurement products
  • Preparation of the Administrative Board decision by presenting benefits and risks
  • Overseeing tranche procurement


Public utility, Switzerland