Market study and selection of cooperation partners for a virtual power plant, Germany

Market study and selection of cooperation partners for a virtual power plant, Germany

With the aim of better market placement of its virtual power plant, an energy supply utility contracted Fichtner to provide comprehensive consultancy. Thus, amongst other services, we undertook a market study with an overview of the attractiveness of individual market segments, in particular for the balancing power market and direct marketing of renewable energy. We identified potential service providers as cooperation partners for EnBW with assessments of their capabilities and suitability under strategic aspects. Further, we prepared functional specifications for the potential partners and analyzed the received proposals.

Our services

  • Market survey of virtual power plants in Germany
  • Potential revenues in the frequency regulation market and through direct marketing
  • Compiling lists of service providers for each value added level
  • Requirements specifications for service providers
  • Evaluation of proposals


EnBW Vertrieb GmbH, formerly EnBW Vertriebs- und Serviceges., Stuttgart, Germany