Functional review of government agencies for the mining and gas sector, Mozambique

Functional review of government agencies for the mining and gas sector, Mozambique

In view of the abundant mineral resources in Mozambique and in response to a request from the Mozambique government, the World Bank has launched a program to strengthen the country’s gas and mining sectors. Fichtner was commissioned by the Bank to prepare a study on the institutional structure as well as measures for strengthening government agencies and ministries concerned with mineral resources. While giving consideration to the growth of these sectors, we undertook a functional diagnosis, focusing on clients, objectives and responsibilities, organizational structures and procedures as well as human, technical and financial capacities. In a comprehensive end-of-project report, we made recommendations for reforming the organizational structure together with personnel development. At a workshop addressing the needs of the whole country, these recommendations were presented and discussed with all relevant ministries and government agencies as well as the World Bank.

Our services

  • Institutional review of functions of ministries and institutes of the mining and gas sector
  • Inventory of facilities and equipment required to implement the institutional reform
  • Recommendations for reforms of the organizational structure and human resources development


The World Bank, Washington D.C., USA