Developing a new market role for mobilizing flexibilities and managing future power grids, Germany

Developing a new market role for mobilizing flexibilities and managing future power grids, Germany

The expansion of electromobility and renewable energies means that many new assets are being connected to the distribution grids, thus significantly altering the utilization of and load on such grids while also increasing the need for grid expansion. Project NEMAR has developed a new market role which pools distributed flexibilities in the distribution grid and uses them smartly in order to limit the need for grid expansion. In the course of this project, it became apparent that previous methods of determining network load will no longer be feasible in future. Instead it will be necessary to ascertain the exact grid states by means of forecasts and high-resolution measurements and to keep the grids within technical limits by means of local incentive systems.

Our services

  • Analyzing current markets and business models for trading in flexibilities
  • Assisting in setting up a platform for grid management
  • Developing a concept for the new “grid management” market role
  • Investigating the business models for the “grid management” market role


Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Project Management Jülich for the Federal German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Bonn, Germany