Decontamination of the river system in the Greater Area of Quito, Ecuador

Quito Ecuador

Up to the time of the project, communal sewage and industrial wastewaters had been discharged untreated into the rivers so we were contracted to develop and finalize measures to decontaminate the river system. Key project steps were identification of sources of pollution from the municipal and industrial sectors, making proposals for remedying the situation, planning the measures selected for implementation, and setting up a monitoring model.

Our services

  • Data collection and analysis
  • Topographic survey; taking and analyzing samples
  • Geotechnical and hydraulic calculations
  • Hydrological investigations
  • Mathematical-physical model calculations
  • Environmental impact study and site selection
  • Feasibility studies
  • Tender-ready planning of the proposed measures

Technical data

  • Project area: 4.228 km², covering the city and greater area of Quito plus 33 communities
  • Hydrological catchment area: 8,100 km²
  • Population: 4,000,000


EMAAP-Q Empresa Agua Potable y Alcantarillado Quito, Ecuador