Smart Energies

Existing energy supply structures are increasingly being interwoven with and complemented by multi-layer, cellular and smart networks. Thanks to intelligent information and communication technology (ICT), power generators, networks of all types, storage facilities and prosumers – consumers who themselves generate and store energy – are being integrated across all utility services, energy forms and timeframes.

We support our clients in the digital transformation of their business or their energy system. Our experts oversee projects for the development of smart energy systems from the concept phase to commissioning, for which they contribute their many years of experience to your smart energy projects.

Our smart energy projects range from strategic consultancy for governments, municipalities, public authorities and industrial partners, through integration concepts for individual components, like energy storage, networks, flexible loads and generator modules, up to asset management analyses for incorporating new technology modules into existing infrastructures, specific network analyses, and planning.

In addition to energy concepts, we support municipalities and their stakeholders in implementing and operating smart and sustainable transport, waste management, water and IT systems. At the interface between politics, municipal administration, municipal enterprises and societal stakeholders, we develop municipal infrastructures and organizational structures for smart, sustainable cities.
More information about Fichtner Smart City.

Specific services:

  • Systems analysis and expansion planning of IT infrastructures
  • Conceptual design and implementation of smart grids, smart urban districts or a smart city
  • Support for network planning taking into account the requirements of a smart energy system
  • Scenario analysis and operational planning of virtual energy systems
  • Development of new business models
  • IT solutions for smart grids